Éves szél összefoglaló (km/h)

Utolsó adat feltöltés 7/7/2017 21:55.

Havi összesítőÉves összesítőSzezonális összesítő

Maximum szél sebesség (kmh)
2025---0.0* ------------------------------0.0*
201711.8* 10.8 10.8 11.3 11.3 9.8* 0.0* ---------------11.8*
201610.3* 11.3* 10.3 13.4 10.3 11.8 10.3 12.9 8.2 10.3 11.3 13.4 13.4*
201513.4 14.9* 11.3* 14.4* 62.9 33.3 46.3* 38.9* 31.4 29.6 31.4* 6.7* 62.9*
201412.4 4.6* 13.4 11.3* 10.3* 9.8 12.4* 8.7 9.3* 8.7* 8.2 10.8 13.4*
201314.4 12.4 14.9 9.8 11.8 11.3 9.3 10.3 ------12.9 11.8 14.9*
201216.0 13.9 12.4 13.4 13.4* 19.6 10.8 13.9* 10.8 13.4 13.9 11.3 19.6*
201110.3* 13.4 12.4 14.9 12.9 12.4 42.5 51.8 10.3 10.3* 10.3* 13.9 51.8*
Max16.0 14.9 14.9 14.9 62.9 33.3 46.3 51.8 31.4 29.6 31.4 13.9 62.9
Maximum szélsebességek átlaga (kmh)
2025---0.0* 5.6 kmh lower than the average Maximum February wind. ------------------------------0.0* 7.9 kmh lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
20173.1* 2.6 kmh lower than the average Maximum January wind. 4.8 0.8 kmh lower than the average Maximum February wind. 6.3 0.5 kmh lower than the average Maximum March wind. 7.1 0.1 kmh lower than the average Maximum April wind. 5.9 3.7 kmh lower than the average Maximum May wind. 4.1* 4.5 kmh lower than the average Maximum June wind. 0.0* 11.9 kmh lower than the average Maximum July wind. ---------------5.2* 2.7 kmh lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
20164.5* 1.2 kmh lower than the average Maximum January wind. 6.7* 1.2 kmh higher than the average Maximum February wind. 6.1 0.7 kmh lower than the average Maximum March wind. 6.6 0.6 kmh lower than the average Maximum April wind. 6.1 3.5 kmh lower than the average Maximum May wind. 5.6 3 kmh lower than the average Maximum June wind. 6.2 5.7 kmh lower than the average Maximum July wind. 5.7 4.6 kmh lower than the average Maximum August wind. 4.2 4.1 kmh lower than the average Maximum September wind. 5.4 2.9 kmh lower than the average Maximum October wind. 5.7 1.3 kmh lower than the average Maximum November wind. 5.1 0.3 kmh lower than the average Maximum December wind. 5.7* 2.2 kmh lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
20156.6 0.9 kmh higher than the average Maximum January wind. 5.9* 0.3 kmh higher than the average Maximum February wind. 7.6* 0.8 kmh higher than the average Maximum March wind. 8.5* 1.3 kmh higher than the average Maximum April wind. 24.1 14.5 kmh higher than the average Maximum May wind. 21.2 12.6 kmh higher than the average Maximum June wind. 22.3* 10.4 kmh higher than the average Maximum July wind. 16.2* 5.9 kmh higher than the average Maximum August wind. 19.7 11.4 kmh higher than the average Maximum September wind. 17.3 9 kmh higher than the average Maximum October wind. 17.0* 10 kmh higher than the average Maximum November wind. 3.6* 1.8 kmh lower than the average Maximum December wind. 15.1* 7.2 kmh higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
20145.5 0.2 kmh lower than the average Maximum January wind. 4.6* 1 kmh lower than the average Maximum February wind. 6.9 0.1 kmh higher than the average Maximum March wind. 6.2* 1 kmh lower than the average Maximum April wind. 6.2* 3.4 kmh lower than the average Maximum May wind. 5.3 3.3 kmh lower than the average Maximum June wind. 6.0* 5.9 kmh lower than the average Maximum July wind. 5.6 4.7 kmh lower than the average Maximum August wind. 5.1* 3.2 kmh lower than the average Maximum September wind. 4.0* 4.3 kmh lower than the average Maximum October wind. 4.2 2.8 kmh lower than the average Maximum November wind. 5.8 0.4 kmh higher than the average Maximum December wind. 5.6* 2.3 kmh lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
20136.4 0.7 kmh higher than the average Maximum January wind. 5.8 0.2 kmh higher than the average Maximum February wind. 7.0 0.2 kmh higher than the average Maximum March wind. 6.3 0.9 kmh lower than the average Maximum April wind. 7.4 2.2 kmh lower than the average Maximum May wind. 6.2 2.4 kmh lower than the average Maximum June wind. 5.9 6 kmh lower than the average Maximum July wind. 5.3 5 kmh lower than the average Maximum August wind. ------6.1 0.9 kmh lower than the average Maximum November wind. 5.1 0.3 kmh lower than the average Maximum December wind. 6.1* 1.8 kmh lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
20128.2 2.5 kmh higher than the average Maximum January wind. 6.6 1 kmh higher than the average Maximum February wind. 7.5 0.7 kmh higher than the average Maximum March wind. 7.7 0.5 kmh higher than the average Maximum April wind. 7.2* 2.4 kmh lower than the average Maximum May wind. 7.3 1.3 kmh lower than the average Maximum June wind. 7.3 4.6 kmh lower than the average Maximum July wind. 6.6* 3.7 kmh lower than the average Maximum August wind. 6.4 1.9 kmh lower than the average Maximum September wind. 5.9 2.4 kmh lower than the average Maximum October wind. 5.5 1.5 kmh lower than the average Maximum November wind. 5.6 0.2 kmh higher than the average Maximum December wind. 6.8* 1.1 kmh lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
20115.5* 0.2 kmh lower than the average Maximum January wind. 5.2 0.4 kmh lower than the average Maximum February wind. 6.4 0.4 kmh lower than the average Maximum March wind. 8.2 1 kmh higher than the average Maximum April wind. 7.6 2 kmh lower than the average Maximum May wind. 7.6 1 kmh lower than the average Maximum June wind. 26.0 14.1 kmh higher than the average Maximum July wind. 23.1 12.8 kmh higher than the average Maximum August wind. 5.7 2.6 kmh lower than the average Maximum September wind. 5.7* 2.6 kmh lower than the average Maximum October wind. 3.9* 3.1 kmh lower than the average Maximum November wind. 5.8 0.4 kmh higher than the average Maximum December wind. 9.3* 1.4 kmh higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
Átl5.7 5.6 6.8 7.2 9.6 8.6 11.9 10.3 8.3 8.3 7.0 5.4 7.9
Átlag szélsebesség (kmh)
2025---0.5* 0.7 kmh lower than the average  February wind. ------------------------------0.5* 0.8 kmh lower than the average  yearly wind.
20171.1* 0.1 kmh lower than the average  January wind. 0.8 0.4 kmh lower than the average  February wind. 0.8 0.4 kmh lower than the average  March wind. 1.0 0.3 kmh lower than the average  April wind. 0.7 0.8 kmh lower than the average  May wind. 0.6* 0.6 kmh lower than the average  June wind. 0.5* 1.3 kmh lower than the average  July wind. ---------------0.9* 0.4 kmh lower than the average  yearly wind.
20160.6* 0.6 kmh lower than the average  January wind. 1.1* 0.1 kmh lower than the average  February wind. 1.0 0.2 kmh lower than the average  March wind. 1.0 0.3 kmh lower than the average  April wind. 0.8 0.7 kmh lower than the average  May wind. 0.6 0.6 kmh lower than the average  June wind. 0.7 1.1 kmh lower than the average  July wind. 0.7 1 kmh lower than the average  August wind. 0.4 0.8 kmh lower than the average  September wind. 0.8 0.4 kmh lower than the average  October wind. 1.0 0.1 kmh higher than the average  November wind. 0.7 0.2 kmh lower than the average  December wind. 0.8* 0.5 kmh lower than the average  yearly wind.
20151.3 0.1 kmh higher than the average  January wind. 1.0* 0.2 kmh lower than the average  February wind. 1.4* 0.2 kmh higher than the average  March wind. 1.4* 0.1 kmh higher than the average  April wind. 3.7 2.2 kmh higher than the average  May wind. 2.6 1.4 kmh higher than the average  June wind. 2.4* 0.6 kmh higher than the average  July wind. 3.0* 1.3 kmh higher than the average  August wind. 2.9 1.7 kmh higher than the average  September wind. 2.2 1 kmh higher than the average  October wind. 1.6* 0.7 kmh higher than the average  November wind. 0.3* 0.6 kmh lower than the average  December wind. 2.1* 0.8 kmh higher than the average  yearly wind.
20141.0 0.2 kmh lower than the average  January wind. 0.5* 0.7 kmh lower than the average  February wind. 1.0 0.2 kmh lower than the average  March wind. 1.0* 0.3 kmh lower than the average  April wind. 0.7* 0.8 kmh lower than the average  May wind. 0.7 0.5 kmh lower than the average  June wind. 0.7* 1.1 kmh lower than the average  July wind. 0.7 1 kmh lower than the average  August wind. 0.6* 0.6 kmh lower than the average  September wind. 0.8* 0.4 kmh lower than the average  October wind. 0.7 0.2 kmh lower than the average  November wind. 1.1 0.2 kmh higher than the average  December wind. 0.8* 0.5 kmh lower than the average  yearly wind.
20131.2   1.3 0.1 kmh higher than the average  February wind. 1.6 0.4 kmh higher than the average  March wind. 1.2 0.1 kmh lower than the average  April wind. 1.4 0.1 kmh lower than the average  May wind. 1.0 0.2 kmh lower than the average  June wind. 0.8 1 kmh lower than the average  July wind. 0.7 1 kmh lower than the average  August wind. ------1.0 0.1 kmh higher than the average  November wind. 0.8 0.1 kmh lower than the average  December wind. 1.1* 0.2 kmh lower than the average  yearly wind.
20121.8 0.6 kmh higher than the average  January wind. 1.6 0.4 kmh higher than the average  February wind. 1.5 0.3 kmh higher than the average  March wind. 1.4 0.1 kmh higher than the average  April wind. 1.2* 0.3 kmh lower than the average  May wind. 1.1 0.1 kmh lower than the average  June wind. 1.3 0.5 kmh lower than the average  July wind. 1.0* 0.7 kmh lower than the average  August wind. 1.0 0.2 kmh lower than the average  September wind. 0.8 0.4 kmh lower than the average  October wind. 0.6 0.3 kmh lower than the average  November wind. 1.1 0.2 kmh higher than the average  December wind. 1.2* 0.1 kmh lower than the average  yearly wind.
20111.3* 0.1 kmh higher than the average  January wind. 1.3 0.1 kmh higher than the average  February wind. 1.3 0.1 kmh higher than the average  March wind. 1.7 0.4 kmh higher than the average  April wind. 1.4 0.1 kmh lower than the average  May wind. 1.4 0.2 kmh higher than the average  June wind. 5.2 3.4 kmh higher than the average  July wind. 4.3 2.6 kmh higher than the average  August wind. 1.1 0.1 kmh lower than the average  September wind. 1.3* 0.1 kmh higher than the average  October wind. 0.7* 0.2 kmh lower than the average  November wind. 1.2 0.3 kmh higher than the average  December wind. 1.9* 0.6 kmh higher than the average  yearly wind.
Átl1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.8 1.7 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.9 1.3
* jelöli hiányos adatokat a hónap / évben.

Szélsebesség szín kódolása
Beaufort skála Megnevezés Szélsebesség
mph km/h kts m/s
0Szélcsend< 1< 1< 1< 0.3
1Gyenge szellő 1 - 3 1.1 - 5.5 1 - 2 0.3 - 1.5
2Gyenge szél 4 - 7 5.6 - 11 3 - 6 1.6 - 3.4
3Mérsékelt szél 8 - 12 12 - 19 7 - 10 3.4 - 5.4
4Közepes szél 13 - 17 20 - 28 11 - 15 5.5 - 7.9
5Élénk szél 18 - 24 29 - 38 16 - 20 8.0 - 10.7
6Erős szél 25 - 30 39 - 49 21 - 26 10.8 - 13.8
7Igen erős szél 31 - 38 50 - 61 27 - 33 13.9 - 17.1
8Viharos szél 39 - 46 62 - 74 34 - 40 17.2 - 20.7
9Vihar 47 - 54 75 - 88 41 - 47 20.8 - 24.4
10Erős vihar 55 - 63 89 - 102 48 - 55 24.5 - 28.4
11Orkánszerű vihar 64 - 72 103 - 117 56 - 63 28.5 - 32.6
12Orkán > 73> 118> 64> 32.7

Script developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.